Paper 1: Administrative Theory
Basic Introduction Lecture
Chapter 01: Introduction
1. Meaning, Scope and Significance
2. wilson's theory
3. Evolution of the discipline
4. New public Administration
5. Challenges of LPG, Good Governance
6. Public choice approach, New Public Management
Chapter 02: Administrative Thought
1. Scientific Management Theory: By Taylor
2. ‘Administrative management theory’ : by Henry Fayol
3. Weberian Bureaucracy
4. Dynamic Administration (Mary Parker Follett)
5. Human Relations School (Elton Mayo)
6. Functions of the Executive (C.I. Barnard)
7. Simon’s decision-making theory
8. D. McGregor, C. Argyris
9. Participative Management (R. Likert)
Chapter 03: Administrative Behaviour
1. Morale
2. Motivation Theories: Content Theories
3. Motivation Theories: Process Theories
4. Leadership
5. Leadership: Behavioral Theory
6. Leadership: Contingency theory
Paper2 : Indian Administration
Answer Writing
Understanding Questions of Both Papers
Paper 1: PDF Notes
Understanding public administration
Chapter 1: Introduction
Meaning, scope and singificance
wilson on public administration
Evolution of the discipline
New Public Administration
Challanges of LPG, Good Governance
Public Choice approach, NPM
Chapter 2: Administrative Thought
scientific management theory
Henry Fayol
weberian bureaucracy
Mary Parker Follette
Elton Mayo
Functions of executive
Simon's decision making theory
McGregor and Argyris
Participative management by Likert
Chapter 3: Administrative Behaviour
Content theories of motivation
Process theories of Motivation
Behavioural Theory of Leadership
Contingency Theories of leadership
Paper 2 : PDF Notes
Preview - Public Administration Optional (English Medium)- FULL COURSE By: Abhijeet Mode
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